Two Day Course – Cost £180 Deposit £90
Wednesday 2nd – Thursday 3rd October 2024
Birch bark is an incredibly strong material and has been used for all kinds of purposes
for centuries – waterproofing roofs, making canoes, shoes, clothing, all kinds of containers, decorations and toys.
Even with the discovery of Otzi, the 5,000 year-old mummified body in the Alps, the oldest preserved human being in the world, remains of 2 birch bark containers were found.
On the first day we have an introduction to birch bark so that you can get a feel for it.
The basics are very important in this course because it helps enormously in the follow-
up. In the afternoon we will work on a nice Scandinavian knife sheath and some small
decorative projects, like some natural birch bark Christmas tree decorations.
On the second day we will make a little woven basket. We do this according to the cross-
weaving technique which is the basis for almost all braid variants.
Your tutor will be Siegurd van Leusen
If you book through the website please pay the full cost if possible. If you wish
to just pay the deposit then the balance must be paid by 4 weeks before the
course date.